on December 13, 2008 at 2:16 am>Erin Shephard came by tonight and took 7,012 photos of us with her new camera. Katelynn asked her to make a compositve Christmas photo, like something from “Leave it to Beaver”. Very folksy. Erin didn’t have much to work with. Patrick Ray wouldn’t sit still, Korey’s PJs were too big (they were mine), Katelynn kept covering my face with the cookie plate, and all I had was a cigar prop from an indie movie I’m working in. But Erin took ’em home. She added in a fireplace, a nice rug, pipe, and managed to fit us in the shot somehow. The tree and the furniture or ours. The rest is magic. Thanks Erin.
Visit Erin’s website at http://www.thephotoshopgallery.com/
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