>Firearms industry selling us crap?
on April 8, 2009 at 9:54 am>From a recent email from my younger brother, Daniel Lee Connell in Utah:
At a recent machine gun shoot-off where the N.R.A. was recruiting members, a vendor was selling t-shirts that said” Hitler made great speeches too”
The shirt had a picture of our new president. I have received numerous e-mails about ammo shortages, gun shortages, proposed weapons bans, repeal of constitutional amendments. Blah, Blah, Scare, Scare!
I would like to see anyone prove any shortage of resources when it comes to killing people. Not since the invention of the firearm has it ever happened.
The firearms industry is selling everyone a line of crap to increase sales. They are artificially manipulating supply to increase prices and sales.
Case in point: Last summer crude oil was priced at nearly $150.00 a barrel. Now it is near $45.00. That “Drill Baby Drill “sh!t didn’t happen. Most oil producing countries dropped production. Demand or consumption has not dropped to any great degree. Only when speculators were threatened with regulation and criminal repercussions did the price drop to realistic levels.
With oil they said a Sheik farted so we have to raise prices. With guns they say our president is a gay secret Muslim child molester who stomps kittens and will take our guns. They are selling a load of eco-political crap to the American people because America is buying it.
I live in a community with one business street less than a mile long.Ellet service station. Loa hardware, Royals food store and Brian I F.A all sell ammo at discount prices and in bulk. I can get you all you need. We need to get real. www.aimsurplus.com
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>COLD DEAD HAND PEOPLE, COLD DEAD HANDS!!!! I beleive that we should be able to bear arms, when mr. O won the election I was not kidding whne I asked my family memebers where they are planning to hide their guns. They laughed then but with the goverment pretty much taaking over GM in the last few weeks & O meeting with all of European rulers & apoligizing for the Americans live in Freedom ~ I'm not looked at as the CRAZY ONE anymore…
>Damn talk about stirring the pot on gun control. one of my friends said I was UN- American. lol. Let me clarify. I was not criticizing the NRA. I was trying to convey this was public mainstream gun event, not some mouth-breathing sister lovers shootin somewhere.
I was criticizing the public in general and gun enthusiasts in particular on this issue. We as a society allow special interest, IE. oil industry, gun industry, health care industry to manipulate us to purchase their products at exorbitant prices based on claims of shortages or due to induced irrational fears.
They create a shortage or fear. find a person or condition to blame this shortage or fear on, raise prices exponentially and then they break it off in us with no spit. It’s great marketing.
Hitler did this too.
>The Obama administration has taken advantage of the financial crisis to ram through their socialist agenda which will add trillions to the National Debt. It will stimulate unions, bureaucrats, government employees, and defense contractors. It will do nothing to address the looming energy crisis which will sweep over the country shortly. Again, politicians and pundits will be shocked and astonished when oil soars. They will vilify oil companies, OPEC, and the dreaded speculators. They ignore the old fashioned supply and demand equation that even a dimwitted Congressman should be able to comprehend.
Instead of addressing the crucial issues that have led to the U.S. being dependent on foreign oil to the tune of $500 billion per year, Congress decided to spend your tax dollars on the following vital items (compliments of Casey Research):
$200,000 for tattoo removal for gang members in California.
$98 million for a Coast Guard ice breaker closing an ice-breaking gap. (what about global warming)
$950,000 for a bikeway in Kentucky.
$2 million for astronomy awareness in Hawaii.
$190,000 for a Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
$650 million for the digital to analog converter box program.
$1.8 million to study the effect of swine odor on the environment. (rumor has it the study will be conducted in the halls of Congress)
When oil prices collapsed from $147 a barrel in the summer of 2008 to $35 a barrel in January, American drivers, Congress, government bureaucrats, and the mainstream media refocused on other more pressing issues like executive bonuses, Michele Obama’s wardrobe, and the tax law knowledge of Obama’s cabinet. The attention span of the average American is shorter than a gnat’s. As they text and twitter through life, the energy infrastructure continues to rust away, decades old wells are closer to depletion, and alternative energy projects have been scrapped by the thousands. Peak oil likely occurred between 2005 and 2009. The production of oil will now embark on a long slow decline. The world is not prepared.
The history of energy in the United States is really only 160 years old, with coal being utilized starting in 1850 and oil only becoming a viable fuel beginning in 1900. Essentially, the world has found lakes of oil under the crust of the earth. If you pump 82 million barrels of oil from a lake per day, the lake will eventually go empty. New lakes are found every year, but the easy to get to lakes have all been found. The new lakes are deep under the sea or in tar sands and shale deposits. These sources take as long as a decade to reach and billions of infrastructure investment. With petroleum in permanent decline, the U.S. needed to have a plan 20 years ago.
Source: Department of Energy
The depletion of existing sources is more rapid than any new sources that can be brought online. Production in the United States is in relentless decline. The view of Alaskan oil production from 1975 until today clearly shows how rapidly oil fields can decline. What has happened in the United States is now happening on a worldwide basis. The U.S. Department of Energy published a report from some of the top energy minds in the world in 2005. The lead author Robert Hirsch produced a comprehensive report on the peak oil issue called, Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, and Risk Management. The conclusions were frightening. What has the U.S, government done in response? NOTHING
Your right Danny, people are buying guns and ammo at a record pace. Why? Because they are scared of the government? NO people are being robbed and pillaged by the desperate and needy unemployed. As unemployment rises so does crime! Foreclosures are being taken over by gang members in nice neighborhoods. Maybe not in LOA, (population 500 in nowhere ville Utah)but that isn’t a good demographic to choose from. Put an add on the internet advertising plenty of ammo in LOA. Maybe the men in black may come to visit. LOL You have to look at the entire US Economy to see all the signs. Remember economics 101 Supply and Demand
Danny, believing the politicians over the NRA
>I’m still chuckling about the T-shirt “Hitler Gave Great Speeches, too”… I am getting one of those!
>So you have a conspiracy theory that there is a conspiracy theory.
There is an ammo shortage in some parts of the country. It is called supply and demand.