>Back from the desert
on August 11, 2011 at 10:18 am>I’ve been called back ‘home’. My sabbatical from radio has been enlightening, but I must return to an industry that badly needs me.
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class="post-template-default single single-post postid-965 single-format-standard custom-background user-guest unknown single-category-inspirational single-category-radio single-author-andycrashk pm day sun layout-3c">
>Thanks for the well wishes. I can understand why most readers find it hard to believe… I've been careful not to spill too much too soon. Starting September 7th, 2011 I'll be heard in Appleton/Oshkosh, Wisconsin area on WXMM 92.9FM (6-10am). The company is Woodward Communications, this new signal will be the 7th station in their successful radio group. For my friends out of the area, we will be streaming soon at Follow me on Facebook for updates:
>RADIO JUST GOT BETTER … tick tock … tick tock … Congrats Buddy, and indeed congrats to "them." "They" are damned luck to have you 🙂
>YEA!!!! Screw all the haters!!! CRASH IS BACK!!!
>Watch my "Crash Mash" Facebook page for details in about a month! (you must be logged into Facebook to pull up the page).
>Congratulations!!! Where to? This is fantastic news 🙂
>Where ya headed, travelin' man?! Hope you'll remember to write and/or call us cheeseheads once in a while!
>What? Congratulations!!!! Are you leaving us or is it in the area somewhere?