>Thank you Mr. President for helping out my neighbors
on March 27, 2009 at 12:36 pm>Dear President Obama,
Thank you for helping my neighbors with their mortgage payments. They are the ones who live just down the street from me.
You know which ones I mean. They’re just like a lot of the other folks all across America… that you and your Congress have decided to help out… so they won’t have to suffer too much during this economic crisis we’re all in. They’re the same ones who, not all that long ago, refinanced the mortgage on their house a couple of times… so they could buy new SUV’s, a bigger boat, two new Wave Runners, an RV, new big screen HDTV’s, new X-Box’s and PlayStations for their kids, new flooring for their home, enlarged their back patio (including adding a new swimming pool), and most recently… got a new Harley-Davidson.
I don’t want you to think I’m complaining… but, I was just wondering… since I am still paying MY mortgage…. and now their’s as well… could you arrange for me to at least be able to borrow their Harley every now and then? I’ve wanted one for years… but, never thought I could afford it… and, I didn’t want to put myself into a negative financial position by going out and buying something that I might not really, really need.
I. M. Shafted,
Rock Bottom, AZ
P.S. They also need help with their credit cards now. So, when do you want me to start making those payments for them as well?
P.P.S. I almost forgot. They didn’t file their income tax returns for the past several years either. Should I go ahead and file for them… or will you take care of that yourself… by appointing them to Cabinet posts?
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>Post before the last, I’m Crash (Andy), Mitch Connell’s cousin. The letter is addressed to the President, not Phil Gramm. Sorry
For the radio buddy in Hollwyood – people ask me almost daily, “Don’t you miss radio?” I miss the friendships. Entertaining back then was fun of course, but those friends you make in the warzone; that’s what it was all about for me. We’re all spread out all over the world now.
>Beautifully written amd comes so close to describing a friend of mine it’s scary… except that he has 2 Harleys, 3 Mercedes, 2 Rolls Royces, a new driveway, a $120,000 motor home, a couple of Rolex watches. By the way, he can’t drive one of the Rolls’ because it needs a $2,000 brake job and he cam’t come up with the money for it because he’s already borrowed so much money against his house that he can’t re-fi… but he’s got an attorney working on renegotiating his mortgage with the bank. There’s a lot more, but you get the picture. In the meantime I’m working my ass off to stay afloat and I haven’t defaulted on anything. Compared to him, I have nothing… no fancy watch, no fancy car, no Harley. I’ve got high taxes, both state and federal and the distinct feeling that, no matter what I do, I won’t ever have those things. But… I do have something more valuable: a friend like you!
— Radio buddy in Hollywood
>Hey Mitch, lighten up! Maybe you should check out the banking and finance rules that Phil Gramm rescinded that led to all the lending and hanky panky that led to all this. The banks were more than happy to lend this money since they were going to sell the notes anyway.
>Isn’t that the truth! We just got another BO supporter who has joined out family. What a rip-off. Ugh!