Discipleship – Terms of Service
on December 26, 2016 at 8:39 pm“And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works.” – Revelation 20 NASB
We visit websites all the time. We must check the box: “Do you accept our terms of service?” in order to continue.
We click that link to take a look, but it is just too much reading, time is short, so we click: “Accept”…. and move on without too much further thought about it.
Did you grasp the above scripture? “and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works.”
Back in the spring of 2010 at a men’s weekend bible retreat, a visiting pastor privately suggested to me after my 30 minute testimony / sermon on Grace: “If you really want to UNDERSTAND the words of Jesus, how He lived, what He came here for, spend the next few months in the first four books of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John—then start over again. Perhaps with a different bible translation. But—stay in the first four books, over and over again. Pray about it, meditate on it, dig into the Greek… stay with it until you really get it… and based on your teaching today, I know you WILL get it.”
For 12 months I read and meditated in those first four books. An occasional cross-reference with other books, but mostly MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN.
All or nothing.
If you’re not for Him, you’re against Him. No time to waste on the hopes of an eleventh hour escape or robber on the cross last-moment-passage.
He’s not coming back to be re-crucified.
“It is finished.”
The Lord never accepts excuses. Forsake EVERY THING for the Father’s Will of spreading the GOOD NEWS of our Creator’s redemption and reconciliation plan.
My talents are FROM HIM to GLORIFY HIM.
Once we confess our sins, admit our need for a Savior from sin’s eternal penalty and dedicate our lives to Christ’s Lordship, we accept the TOS.
I will confess here and to others that I originally ‘signed up’ to reap the benefits: Food, clothing, education, housing, friends, medical care… all that “good stuff ” that is promised.
Then, He reminds me AGAIN of His earthly ministry to fulfill His Kingdom here:
“Follow me, I am the ONLY WAY, no other religions or gods are acceptable, don’t look back, be humble, be teachable, pray without ceasing, find joy in your suffering for My sake, speak truth, love everyone with NO conditions, resist the devil, seek My righteousness over your fleshly lusts and wants, do not judge others motives, feed the hungry, warm the cold, clothe those without, visit those in prisons, shelter the homeless, provide for orphans and widows, don’t waste money on worldly treasures and pleasures, Go and make disciples of all people, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe everything I have commanded you. Don’t worry, you will never be alone, I will be with you today and forever.”
WAIT—TIME OUT—This ain’t what I signed up for. I’m not a soldier, I am a lover not a fighter. Peace, no confrontation, live and let live, life is short. C’mon Lord, don’t you get cable TV up there? What about my career, my family, all my toys, my home, my, MY, MY, MY, MY, MINE!!!!
I must be reading this wrong. What about ‘desires of MY heart, prospering as MY souls prospers, all these things will be added to ME, life abundantly, some have this gift-others have that gift, faith alone saves ME, ask and ME shall receive…’
Why are YOU doing this to me… why not someone else—ANYBODY ELSE?
See the WORDS OUT OF JESUS’ MOUTH: “Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.” Matthew 23:10 NASB
I look around my living room as I write this and fearfully wonder, “Where will all of this be in the days ahead. Where will I be? Where will my family be? What will I lose in all of this?
What will I gain?
I have read the TERMS OF SERVICE and I cant, you can’t, no one alive or certainly dead can’t “take it back”.
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